
World Religions

Q1. Is it different for different people? How so and why?

When it greets the people other than the family and the friend like the teacher and neighbor, I become polite. For example, “Ohayou”→”Ohayougozaimasu”. Because they are mostly senior to me.

Q2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

I sometime touch people only when I talk to my friend. Because I think that touching is friendly.

3 件のコメント:

  1. I agree with your answer.
    It is happy for me that my friend casually touch me.^皿^* I think touching is nice communication☆

  2. hi,cha-can,
    I agree with you.
    Touching to my friends with talking would make us happy.

  3. Hello:)-Cha-chan
    I think Japanese nearly hug someone. So, it is fit for us to touch someone.
